Decreased potency is a violation of a man's ability to perform his sexual function. A problem can arise once or be chronic, it all depends on the causes that caused the disease. If low potency accompanies a man for a long time, you should consult a doctor for professional help, first of all, to find out the cause of the sad phenomenon.

The main factors that negatively affect sexual activity include:
- Psychological issues: stress, severe psycho-emotional experiences, lack of sexual attraction to a particular woman due to various circumstances.
- Overwork, lack of adequate rest (both physical and emotional).
- Hormone issues, especially a significant decrease in testosterone levels.
- The presence of chronic diseases of the genitourinary system, thyroid gland, blood vessels.
- Violation of metabolic processes in the body.
- Uncontrolled intake of drugs which, as a side effect, reduce sexual activity.
- Low or excessive physical activity, carrying heavy loads.
- Improper nutrition with a high content in the diet of products that adversely affect not only the sexual health of a man, but also the general condition of the body.
- Frequent abuse of alcohol, smoking.

To eliminate the problem, men usually use pharmaceuticals (this is due to the reluctance to tell anyone about the problem - neither to the doctor nor to the partner, as well as the simplicity of the technique), but much moreand a lasting effect can be achieved if the issue is approached holistically. First of all, it is important to understand that it is necessary to restore not only "male strength", but also to find and eliminate the cause that caused the disease.
Folk remedies to increase potency
Wanting to cope with a decrease in potency on their own, men use all possible means, resorting to the help of traditional medicine, the most popular of which are:
- Relaxing bath. To carry out the procedure, you will need to prepare bay leaves and pour the resulting broth into the bathroom, add chamomile infusion and take it half an hour before bedtime.
- "Delicious medicine" to increase potency: Combine crushed nuts and honey in a container, mix well. Take this dessert after the main meal, 2 teaspoons for a month.
- Reception of tincture of ginseng, tribulus, which stimulates the production of testosterone and increases male strength.

Drugs to solve sexual problems
Many men prefer drugs to increase potency, due to several factors:

- There is no need to turn to professionals for help, no need to talk out loud about your problem.
- Availability of funds - you can buy drugs to increase potency at any pharmacy without a prescription.
- Instant action, as a rule, the effect appears half an hour to forty minutes after taking the pill and lasts at least 3 hours.
All pharmaceuticals for increasing potency, depending on the main active ingredient, can be divided into several groups:
- A tool whose active ingredient is yohimbine - an extract from the bark of an African tree, which helps to increase male potency. In addition, this substance activates the process of splitting fats, which favorably affects the general well-being and condition of a man. The undoubted advantage of these drugs is the natural component of the composition, the absence of contraindications and side effects.
- A cantharidin drug is a synthetic substance that is part of many drugs, the main purpose of which is to increase potency and improve erection. By nature, this component is a poison, which, if the recommended dosage is not observed, leads to various negative consequences.
- Preparations whose main active ingredient is vardenafil (a synthetically obtained component intended to combat impotence). These funds are very effective in increasing potency.

According to the direction of action, drugs are divided into two groups:
- Elimination of sexual dysfunctions. The main purpose of the funds is to increase potency, activate sexual function. Many drugs have side effects and contraindications, so you should consult a doctor for a preliminary consultation. If the reluctance to go to the doctor has prevailed over common sense, then it is extremely important to carefully read the instructions, assess and analyze the possible consequences and the general state of health (are there anyfactors in which the drug is contraindicated) and not to exceed the indicated daily dose of the drug.
- Prolonging the state of arousal is a group of drugs, the main purpose of which is to prolong erection time, restrict the process of ejaculation and, as a result, increase the duration of sexual intercourse, whichwill allow both partners to obtain maximum pleasure. It can be not only tablets, but also ointments, gels.
General recommendations for increasing potency
In order to improve potency (if the cause of its violation was not health problems), you should follow simple and accessible recommendations of specialists who do not require cardinal changes in life, but can significantly improve potency. state of a man, increase potency or avoid sexual dysfunctions. . General tips include:
- Elimination of diseases that cause a decrease in potency.
- Careful revision of the diet, since these are foods that largely affect the general condition of the body, including sexual activity. First of all, it is necessary to exclude products whose main purpose is "delicacy", that is, those that do not contain useful substances, but can only satisfy gastronomic cravings. First of all, these are semi-finished products, fast food, confectionery, carbonated drinks. It is important to ensure the intake of microelements and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on potency, for example, selenium, zinc, B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B12), C, E.
- Normalization of hormonal levels, primarily testosterone, which is responsible for male sexual function. With age, the synthesis of this component decreases, which can provoke a problem, so you need to do an analysis and, at low levels, start taking the male hormone.
- Getting rid of excess weight, which is often the cause of a decrease in testosterone levels and an increase in estrogen (a sex hormone inherent in women). Such pathological phenomena in the body negatively affect the general health of a man and lead to sexual dysfunction. In order to increase potency or strengthen it, it is necessary to normalize body weight by correcting nutrition and performing physical exercises.
- Refusal of the abuse of alcoholic beverages, smoking, since it has long been known that addictions have a negative impact on the sexual activity of a man and, in especially difficult cases, can lead to complete and irreversible impotence.
- Proper rest, 8 hours of sleep and maintaining a normal psychological and emotional state will help increase potency. It is extremely important to avoid stress, irritation and strong feelings that negatively affect men's health.
- Lead an active lifestyle, exercise regularly, including those that increase blood circulation in the pelvic region and increase potency. Particular attention should be paid to this problem for men with a sedentary job, because constantly being in this position disrupts blood circulation and can lead to sexual dysfunction.
- Regular sexual activity will help increase sexual activity, as prolonged abstinence reduces erections or speeds up the process of ejaculation, but excessive sexual activity should also be avoided.

In order to permanently get rid of potency problems or never experience them, it is worth making every effort, carefully monitoring your health, weight and psycho-emotional state. If the problem is nevertheless affected, its solution should be approached comprehensively, first of all, eliminating the causes of the disease and obtaining expert advice. If the factor that led to the violation of potency is psychological trauma, experience, you should seek help from a sex therapist or psychologist.